The spreadsheet below contains all the dates and times booked by VLCs for their Final Assessment. You have access to edit it.

Caution: Please be careful not to edit out anyone else's information while you are changing yours. If you accidentally do so, please inform Nadzrin immediately at

Please do the following latest by 10 May 2020 to allow for marketing to public, training providers and clients:
1. Click on the spreadsheet below to launch it in Google Sheets
2. Update your full name in the NAME field.
3. Update the topic of your Virtual Class in the TOPIC field.
4. Update the description of your topic in the TOPIC DESCRIPTION field up to 50 words.
5. Create a Zoom Meeting and paste the meeting link in the ZOOM LINK field.

Note: Whatever you present remains your IP. You are free to use your company logo and insert your contact information. EnSync Learning & Performance reserves the right to upload your Virtual Class recordings to our official YouTube account for VLC awareness and marketing purposes.